Thursday, March 4, 2010

TVI Versa Diamond Holiday

This is Spencer and I wanted to personally explain something we didnt have in TVI and why the boards are froze.

I have been working with a team of the largest $10,000 earners in TVI of which I am one of them. You may have signed up direct or indirect to me but it matters not because I need you to understand what went wrong.

In TVI all most worried about was getting our 2 qualifiers and building wide. I was building deep but with out the help of my up line and down line doing the same i was fighting a loosing battle.

Sense then I have teamed up with a group that work and believe in the no body gets jumped rule. What this means is that every time the 8th person joins any of our boards we make sure EVERY ONE has 2 qualifiers. If you can get them urself great but if not we will get them for you.
You ask yourself now why we would do this. Here allow me to explain.....

In TVI most just built wide getting their own 2 and jumping their sponsor. They thought they were on cloud nine as they raced to the top of the board but they had a rude awaking after they cycled the first express board and BECAME STUCK!

The reason is because they did'nt team build and after they cycled the express it re entered them back on the EXPRESS board which once again did'nt help their down line at all. Not realizing it's that very down line that determines if they ever cycle or get pushed through the express board to receive $-10,000 over n over.

So why am I explaining this to you I'm sure ur asking and you guested it I'm about to explain. You see $300 is a lot of money to put into a program and never realize a return because the economy is real bad and I'm not going to ask you to spend another
$300 to join my team but I want you to see a return on your money as I'm sure you do.

There has been many negative things said about TVI like the vacations are not real and how hard it is to sale your vouchers to ever realize your 10k if you ever did cycle.

Well Myself and our dedicated team are running this race one more time but taking out all the stops that TVI had to hinder us from cycling.

We are doing it with a Diamond Holiday Travel that offers you $1,000 from the first cycle apposed to just $500 in TVI so you get double for the same effort but that just the icing on the cake here.

This company unlike TVI is'nt just a virtual office that no one knows exist. We have spoken with the owner and we have members of our team to already take and enjoy the vacation package unlike TVI where we know of not one person to ever take.

But again I did'nt write you to tell you we know the owner and know the product is real.
The reason I wrote you is because I want you to realize a return on your TVI money with plenty to boot and we have a system to help you do just that!

As I mentioned before we do'nt allow jumping and we make sure every one gets 2 and the reason is simple and we missed it by a mile in TVI. We MUST make sure ALL our down lines get qualified because they are what pushes us through the second board to get the 10,000 not only one time but many many time as we follow each other back in like a full circle.

Allow me to explain the circle of multi $10,000 paydays!

In our team not only do we see to it that every one gets qualified to cycle off the first board earning them $1,000 but we also re-enter the first board ourselves to ensure our down line cycle the second board for their $10,000.

How on earth do we do this you say?!!!!!
Its simple. We ask every on that we help to qualify to re-invest in 1 to 3 more positions in their first board under whom even down line member needs help qualifying.

By getting a new position with a little of the $1,000 you earn does a few things.
1. it helps your down line qualify to cycle and make $1,000
2. It allows your down line to enter into the second 10,000 board
3. it purchased you yet another position to earn $1,000 and $10,000 over and over again.

This completes a full circle because your down line become your up line as we continually feed the first board with a team effort, because all the movement on the $10,000 board is determined by how fast and effective we move the first board.

One more big difference w this program is that we dont have to sale vouchers to get paid as they will wire our funds into any bank we choose!

This new system of team work is what we learned from TVI and why we will ALL cycle to earn $ 10,000 over and over again as a team unit.

We realize not every one has $300 more dollars to join our team so one of our personal team members created a simple fast moving 2x2 called PF1T to earn a position into our Team for a fraction of the cost it normally would take . Which means you find 2 that find 2 for a total of 6 and BAM you just earned a position into the mother program which is call Diamond Holiday.

You can join our team direct for the fastest way to the 10,000
or you can join the feeder and earn your way in for hardly nothing.

Now we have 3 ways to which to join our team:
1. Many of our team join both.

2. They join the Diamond Holiday (DH) to get into the money fast.
My Sponsor ID is: topmentor

3. Plus they join the PF1T feeder so they can offer a cheaper way to get in for folk tight on money.

The feeder will pay you $300 for every 6 that come in under you or your down line so it creates a sweet lil side income and a fast way to see a return on the $300 you spent in TVI.
The link below will have a video of me in it showing off the 10,000 I generated in TVI. Then you will notice a take the tour button that will lead you to the feeder to join for way more the half what it normally cost to join these 2x3 boards like DH and TVI.

If you decide to join both or to skip the feeder and go direct into the big money program DH then my number will be at the bottom of the page so you can call me to do so.

Below if a video Alexus made whom is one of our team leaders.

Read This and Act Now … or Lose Big!

Pre-Launch Leadership Positions Available Now…!

You will have your own free website just like the one you are about to see as we help you generate traffic so we ALL make a lot of money together.

Earn $1,000 a week Passively
No sponsoring required to get paid


  1. Thanks Spencer for Sharing Your Experiences - Your a Leader for sure who will Help Many People to reach their gaol - Great Blog

    And as you know its Not always the "Company" but the PEOPLE that DRIVE the business

    So ... Thanks For the Guidance :)

    ~Adrian ...
    TVI-Power Board
    Skype: adrianbeale

  2. Good presentation Spencer and thanks for sharing your experience. That will help a lot of people in making right decision in life.

    Steve Abraham

  3. Holy Crap! Great blog post here man, I love TVI, you guys should join up under this guy because he is the best! Awesome blog man keep it up!!!

    Sincerely, TJ Price
